Happy Friday.
I read (and tweet) a lot. This week, 124,000 of you told me which of the reads were the most interesting (and reminded me that most of my tweets are terrible) — here are the top ten:
1. “Many VC’s are paying 3-5x revenues for companies that are worth 1x in the public markets.” [Link] [Tweet]
2, Companies that are (almost always) a bad idea. [Link] [Tweet]
3. “You can’t expect to just hop into a new industry with no expertise and get your ideal role at your ideal company.” [Link] [Tweet] (MBAs are people too. Sometimes.)
4. “Yes, we want banks to engage with us, but no, please don’t talk with us.” [Link] [Tweet] (Those damn millennials are at it again.)
5. “The early risk is why they get a cheaper price.” [Link] [Tweet]
6. “The themes that I see impacting enterprise software investing in 2015.” [Link] [Tweet]
7. “Let me not die while I am still alive.” [Link] [Tweet] (This is the most touching — and personal — thing I’ve read recently.)
8. “The A380 is basically a flying weather system, with its 261-foot wings throwing off hurricane-strength winds.” [Link] [Tweet] (Having flown on the A380 quite a bit, it’s my favorite commercial airplane. Still looking for an opportunity to hop on a 787… help?)
9. “The hardest leadership challenge is in the home.” [Link] [Tweet] (Yes.)
10. Life gives you potentials for freedom, achievement, love, all sorts of beautiful things, but none of us are “safe.” [Link] [Tweet]
11. Every Friday morning, I send out a brief email containing the top 10 reads that made me smarter this week. [Link] [Tweet] (OK, so this one’s an extra BUT it was the #1 engaged link this week. Share me with a friend?)
Come say hi.
I’m speaking at 36|86 (Nashville, TN) and Metabridge (Kelowna, BC) next week, say hello if you’re around. (Hit ‘reply’ if there are other events coming up that I should be attending.)
Doing anything fun this weekend?
If you’re in the DC Metro area, driving range? (I’m terrible.)