An Indian, a Southerner and a Labrador hop in an Airstream (again)

I know, that title doesn’t make much sense.

Driving 26,141 miles in less than nine months didn’t make sense.

Moving into an Airstream and living in 42 cities for a week at a time didn’t make sense.

Shaking hands with over 20,000 entrepreneurs didn’t make sense.

Sitting down for 1:1 office hours with over 1,200 startups didn’t make sense.

The tech tour didn’t make sense on paper but it was the right thing to do. And that’s why we’re doing it again in 2017.

Here’s the initial list of stops (fill this form out if you’d like us to stop in your city this year):

  • Lubbock, TX (Jan 29- Feb 3, 2017)
  • Myrtle Beach, SC (Feb 21-23, 2017)
  • Phoenix, AZ (Mar 21-23, 2017)
  • Sioux Falls, SD (Apr 23-28, 2017)
  • Des Moines, IA (May 5-8, 2017)
  • Lincoln, NE (June 21st, 2017)
  • Missoula, MT (June 26-29th, 2017)
  • Ann Arbor (August 8-10th, 2017)
  • Winston-Salem (Aug 15th-17th)
  • St. Louis (Aug 22nd-24th)
  • Knoxville, TN (Sept 20-22nd, 2017)
  • Lafayette, IN (Sept 26-28, 2017)
  • Connecticut (October 16th-20th)
  • Rochester, NY (Nov 6-8th, 2017)
  • Fresno, CA (Nov 13th-15th)

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We learned a lot through the 2016 tour so we’re doing a couple things differently in 2017:

  • We’re going to make the events at each stop much more accessible and useful for all kinds of entrepreneurs. Not everyone wants to raise money. Not everyone wants to build a billion dollar company. And that’s ok — the more people we can get to attend one or more of the tour-related events, the more people that know about entrepreneurship locally and regionally.
  • We’re bringing more people with us to join office hours, do more workshops and add more content to our keynotes. The goal is to create even more collisions and give the local community more perspectives than just my own. We’re going to bring more investors, more entrepreneurs and other community builders from around the country.
  • We’re bringing a 2-3 person video crew with us to all 2017 stops. The goal is to capture content constantly. We’ll turn that into daily vlogs while we’re on the ground, roll that up into a longer weekly summary video and create 30-60 second snippets that we’ll drip out to our audience for weeks after we leave town. We want to tell the story of entrepreneurship across the continent — think more Anthony Bourdain and less Gary Vaynerchuk. 🙂

If you’re interested in helping us help more entrepreneurs, investors and community leaders, here’s what you can do:

  • Invite us to your city. Fill out the form, we’ll hop on a quick call and see how we can make it happen.
  • Join us on the tour. Fill out the form, I’ll email you ~once a month with upcoming opportunities and we’ll all have some fun together.

If you see us on the road, say hi!

Also published on Medium.