Behind the scenes across the Midwest.

I’ll write a full recap of the 2016 tour but, since it’s my first week back in DC after spending the last few months almost entirely in transit, I’m trying to keep my head down as I dig out of the backlog of emails, deals and naps.

Instead, I want to share the time we spent on the ground in Wichita, KS last week. It was our 41st stop of the year and, as we’ve seen everywhere else, there’s a thriving entrepreneurial community present and a number of smart hustlers leading the charge.

Add that to the list of challenges for Midwestern startups: they’re all doing great things locally but the only way to find out about it is to go there.

We’re going to experiment with video quite a bit more through 2017 and I hope you’ll join me on the ground in at least a few of the cities.